{% set currencyIsoCode = order.currency.isoCode %} {% if order.orderCustomer.salutation %}{{ order.orderCustomer.salutation.translated.letterName ~ ' ' }}{% endif %}{{ order.orderCustomer.firstName }} {{ order.orderCustomer.lastName }}, We have received your order on {{ order.orderDateTime|format_datetime('medium', 'short', locale='en-GB') }}. Order number: {{ order.orderNumber }}. You have not completed your payment with {{ order.transactions.first.paymentMethod.translated.name }} yet. You can resume the payment process by using the following URL: {{ rawUrl('frontend.account.order.single.page', { 'deepLinkCode': order.deepLinkCode }, salesChannel.domains|first.url) }} Information on your order: Pos. Prod. No. Description Quantities Price Total {% for lineItem in order.lineItems %} {{ loop.index }} {% if lineItem.payload.productNumber is defined %}{{ lineItem.payload.productNumber|u.wordwrap(80) }}{% endif %} {{ lineItem.label|u.wordwrap(80) }}{% if lineItem.payload.options is defined and lineItem.payload.options|length >= 1 %}, {% for option in lineItem.payload.options %}{{ option.group }}: {{ option.option }}{% if lineItem.payload.options|last != option %}{{ " | " }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% if lineItem.payload.features is defined and lineItem.payload.features|length >= 1 %}{% set referencePriceFeatures = lineItem.payload.features|filter(feature => feature.type == 'referencePrice') %}{% if referencePriceFeatures|length >= 1 %}{% set referencePriceFeature = referencePriceFeatures|first %}, {{ referencePriceFeature.value.purchaseUnit }} {{ referencePriceFeature.value.unitName }}({{ referencePriceFeature.value.price|currency(currencyIsoCode) }}* / {{ referencePriceFeature.value.referenceUnit }} {{ referencePriceFeature.value.unitName }}){% endif %}{% endif %} {{ lineItem.quantity }} {{ lineItem.unitPrice|currency(currencyIsoCode) }} {{ lineItem.totalPrice|currency(currencyIsoCode) }} {% endfor %} {% set delivery = order.deliveries.first %} {% set displayRounded = order.totalRounding.interval != 0.01 or order.totalRounding.decimals != order.itemRounding.decimals %} {% set decimals = order.totalRounding.decimals %} {% set total = order.price.totalPrice %} {% if displayRounded %} {% set total = order.price.rawTotal %} {% set decimals = order.itemRounding.decimals %} {% endif %} {% for shippingCost in order.deliveries %} Shipping costs: {{ shippingCost.shippingCosts.totalPrice|currency(currencyIsoCode) }}
{% endfor %} Net total: {{ order.amountNet|currency(currencyIsoCode) }} {% for calculatedTax in order.price.calculatedTaxes %} {% if order.taxStatus is same as('net') %}plus{% else %}including{% endif %} {{ calculatedTax.taxRate }}% VAT. {{ calculatedTax.tax|currency(currencyIsoCode) }} {% endfor %} Total gross: {{ total|currency(currencyIsoCode,decimals=decimals) }} {% if displayRounded %} Rounded total gross: {{ order.price.totalPrice|currency(currencyIsoCode,decimals=order.totalRounding.decimals) }} {% endif %} Selected payment type: {{ order.transactions.first.paymentMethod.translated.name }} {{ order.transactions.first.paymentMethod.translated.description }} {% if delivery %} Selected shipping type: {{ delivery.shippingMethod.translated.name }} {{ delivery.shippingMethod.translated.description }} {% endif %} {% set billingAddress = order.addresses.get(order.billingAddressId) %} Billing address: {{ billingAddress.company }} {{ billingAddress.firstName }} {{ billingAddress.lastName }} {{ billingAddress.street }} {{ billingAddress.zipcode }} {{ billingAddress.city }} {{ billingAddress.country.translated.name }} {% if delivery %} Shipping address: {{ delivery.shippingOrderAddress.company }} {{ delivery.shippingOrderAddress.firstName }} {{ delivery.shippingOrderAddress.lastName }} {{ delivery.shippingOrderAddress.street }} {{ delivery.shippingOrderAddress.zipcode}} {{ delivery.shippingOrderAddress.city }} {{ delivery.shippingOrderAddress.country.translated.name }} {% endif %} {% if order.orderCustomer.vatIds %} Your VAT-ID: {{ order.orderCustomer.vatIds|first }} In case of a successful order and if you are based in one of the EU countries, you will receive your goods exempt from turnover tax. {% endif %} You can check the current status of your order on our website under "My account" - "My orders" anytime: {{ rawUrl('frontend.account.order.single.page', { 'deepLinkCode': order.deepLinkCode }, salesChannel.domains|first.url) }} If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. However, in case you have purchased without a registration or a customer account, you do not have this option.