{# Notice for plugins and theme developer: This template can be extended over sw_extends. The blocks from the templates in the /includes folder can be overwritten directly in this template #} {% sw_extends '@Framework/documents/base.html.twig' %} {% block document_title_tag %}{% trans with {'%stornoNumber%': config.custom.stornoNumber, '%invoiceNumber%': config.custom.invoiceNumber} %}document.stornoHeadline{% endtrans %}{% endblock %} {% block document_headline %}

{% trans with {'%stornoNumber%': config.custom.stornoNumber, '%invoiceNumber%': config.custom.invoiceNumber} %}document.stornoHeadline{% endtrans %}

{% endblock %} {% block document_side_info_contents %} {{ parent() }} {% block document_side_info_date %}{% endblock %} {% block document_side_info_cancellation_number %} {% trans with {'%stornoNumber%': config.custom.stornoNumber} %}document.stornoNumber{% endtrans %} {% endblock %} {% block document_side_info_cancellation_date %} {{ 'document.stornoDate'|trans({'%date%': config.documentDate|format_date('medium', locale=locale)})|sw_sanitize }} {% endblock %} {% endblock %}