{# Notice for plugins and theme developer: Do not extend this template! This template will be rendered over the `block` function. Templates which are rendered over the `block` function can not be extended. Instead of extending this template, simply extend the `base.html.twig` (or the document specific template) and override the block you want. All blocks of this template are available in the template which renders this template over the `block` function. #} {% block position_header %} {% block document_line_item_table_head %} {% block document_line_item_table_head_position %} {% if config.displayLineItemPosition %} {{ 'document.lineItems.header.position'|trans|sw_sanitize }} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block document_line_item_table_head_product_number %} {{ 'document.lineItems.header.productNumber'|trans|sw_sanitize }} {% endblock %} {% block document_line_item_table_head_label %} {{ 'document.lineItems.header.label'|trans|sw_sanitize }} {% endblock %} {% block document_line_item_table_head_quantity %} {{ 'document.lineItems.header.quantity'|trans|sw_sanitize }} {% endblock %} {% block document_line_item_table_head_prices %} {% if config.displayPrices %} {% set displayInclVAT = not billingAddress.country.companyTax.enabled or not (config.displayAdditionalNoteDelivery and billingAddress.country.id in config.deliveryCountries) %} {% block document_line_item_table_head_tax_rate %} {{ 'document.lineItems.header.tax'|trans|sw_sanitize }} {% endblock %} {% block document_line_item_table_head_unit_price %} {{ 'document.lineItems.header.unitPrice'|trans|sw_sanitize }} {% if displayInclVAT %}{{ 'document.lineItems.inclVAT'|trans|sw_sanitize }}{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block document_line_item_table_head_total_price %} {{ 'document.lineItems.header.total'|trans|sw_sanitize }} {% if displayInclVAT %}{{ 'document.lineItems.inclVAT'|trans|sw_sanitize }}{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% endblock %} {% endblock %}