{# Notice for plugins and theme developer: Do not extend this template! This template will be rendered over the `block` function. Templates which are rendered over the `block` function can not be extended. Instead of extending this template, simply extend the `base.html.twig` (or the document specific template) and override the block you want. All blocks of this template are available in the template which renders this template over the `block` function. #} {% block position %} {% if config.displayLineItems %} {% set class = '' %} {% if level > 0 %} {% set class = " nested level-" ~ level %} {% endif %} {% block document_line_item_table_rows %} {% block document_line_item_table_row_position %} {% if config.displayLineItemPosition %} {% block document_line_item_table_column_position %}{{ prefix ~ position }}{% endblock %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block document_line_item_table_row_product_number %} {% if lineItem.payload.productNumber %} {% block document_line_item_table_column_product_number %}{{ lineItem.payload.productNumber }}{% endblock %} {% else %} {% block document_line_item_table_column_product_number_empty %}{% endblock %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block document_line_item_table_row_label %} {% block document_line_item_table_column_label %} {% if level > 0 %} {% for i in 1..level %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {{ lineItem.label }} {% if lineItem.payload.options|length >= 1 %}
{% for option in lineItem.payload.options %} {{ option.group }}: {{ option.option }} {% if lineItem.payload.options|last != option %} {{ " | " }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if lineItem.payload.features|length >=1 %}
{% for feature in lineItem.payload.features %} {% if feature.type == 'referencePrice' %} {{ feature.value.purchaseUnit|sw_sanitize }} {{ feature.value.unitName|sw_sanitize }} ({{ feature.value.price|currency(currencyIsoCode, languageId) }}{{ "general.star"|trans }} / {{ feature.value.referenceUnit|sw_sanitize }} {{ feature.value.unitName|sw_sanitize }}) {% if lineItem.payload.features|last != feature %} {{ " | " }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% endblock %} {% block document_line_item_table_row_quantity %} {% block document_line_item_table_column_quantity %}{{ lineItem.quantity }}{% endblock %} {% endblock %} {% block document_line_item_table_prices %} {% if config.displayPrices %} {% block document_line_item_table_row_tax_rate %} {% block document_line_item_table_column_tax_rate %}{% for tax in lineItem.price.taxRules %}{{ tax.taxRate }} % {% if loop.last %}{% else %}
{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endblock %} {% endblock %} {% block document_line_item_row_table_unit_price %} {% block document_line_item_column_table_unit_price %}{{ lineItem.unitPrice|currency(currencyIsoCode, languageId) }}{% endblock %} {% endblock %} {% block document_line_item_table_row_total_price %} {% block document_line_item_table_column_total_price %}{{ lineItem.totalPrice|currency(currencyIsoCode, languageId) }}{% endblock %} {% endblock %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% endblock %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}