{# Notice for plugins and theme developer: Do not extend this template! This template will be rendered over the `block` function. Templates which are rendered over the `block` function can not be extended. Instead of extending this template, simply extend the `base.html.twig` (or the document specific template) and override the block you want. All blocks of this template are available in the template which renders this template over the `block` function. #} {% block letter_header %}
{% block document_recipient %} {% if config.displayCompanyAddress and config.companyAddress is not empty %} {{ config.companyAddress }}

{% endif %} {% sw_include '@Framework/snippets/render.html.twig' with { format: billingAddress.country.translated.addressFormat, address: billingAddress } %}
{% if (customer.customer.vatIds|first and config.displayCustomerVatId) or (customer.customer.vatIds|first and billingAddress.country.companyTax.enabled and config.displayAdditionalNoteDelivery and billingAddress.country.id in config.deliveryCountries) %} {{ 'document.vatId'|trans({'%vatId%': customer.customer.vatIds|first})|sw_sanitize }}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}
{% block document_sender_address %} {% if config.companyName %} {% block document_side_company_name %} {% endblock %} {% endif %} {% if config.companyPhone %} {% block document_side_info_phone_number %} {% endblock %} {% endif %} {% if config.companyEmail %} {% block document_side_info_email %} {% endblock %} {% endif %} {% if config.companyUrl %} {% block document_side_company_url %} {% endblock %} {% endif %}
{{ config.companyName }}
{% if config.displayCompanyAddress and config.companyAddress is not empty %} {{ config.companyAddress|replace({' - ': '
'})|raw }} {% endif %}
{{'document.phoneNumber'|trans({'%phoneNumber%': config.companyPhone })|sw_sanitize }}
{{ config.companyEmail }}
{{ config.companyUrl }}

{% endblock %} {% block document_side_info %} {% block document_side_info_contents %} {% block document_side_info_customer_number %} {% endblock %} {% block document_side_info_order_number %} {% endblock %} {% block document_side_info_order_date %} {% endblock %} {% block document_side_info_date %} {% endblock %} {% endblock %}
{{ 'document.customerNumber'|trans({'%customerNumber%': customer.customerNumber})|sw_sanitize }}
{{ 'document.orderNumber'|trans({'%orderNumber%': order.orderNumber })|sw_sanitize }}
{{ 'document.orderDate'|trans({'%orderDate%': order.orderDateTime|format_date('medium', locale=locale)})|sw_sanitize }}
{{ 'document.date'|trans({'%date%': config.documentDate|format_date('medium', locale=locale)})|sw_sanitize }}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}